Monday, September 04, 2006

A little rest for the King

This past week has been a real rest easy week for the KING. He has had no house renos to bother himself with. Actually the most bothersome renos he has dealt with has been trying to hunt down the electrician by telephone, and putting in a window for the neighbour guy.

It's been a lazy run for the king, mind you he did work six out of seven days. Which brings me to this story.... he is now out front watering MY flowers, and readying himself to take the dog for a walk... he never takes the dog for a walk... at 10:45 in the am. I must find things for this KING to do.

Mind you, it wouldn't even occur to him to gather up as a family and go do something familyish on the last day of summer vacation....


I think I may have just dethroned the KING with that insider information..

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