Saturday, September 16, 2006


Alright, take a guess.... just take a guess at what I am going to say next.... well, pause for a moment, read the heading, and what does that hideous noise sound like..... I will give you some hints, as I hate to be asked to guessed upon blindly. Blind guessing is just bad I say.

OK... what happens when someone steps out of line?
What two colours does the person in charge of the rules and regulations wear?
What annoying noise making device does that zebra clad person wear around his neck?
What game has different rules for Canada and America.....

It's all coming together now isn't it.....

I am certain that the husbandman has fallen asleep, and is having nightmares with the noises that are emerging from the television screen. At least every 45 seconds I hear the sound....

coming from down the hall. It's a hideous sound... just hideous.

Yes, all those amazing clues, were the clues to that hideous game called.........


Yes, me being the super sensitive and out of sorts by hideous sounds person goes apecrap over the very excited referees and his whistle. It is annoying... just as the action gets going, the zebraman blows his whistle.

FFFFFRRRRREEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM!! and the action comes to a crashing halt.

Football is painful people, in more ways than one.

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