Friday, September 08, 2006

10 reasons....

why I am not going to write something:
  1. My neck/back is in such burning pain and stiff from working here earlier today it is going to snap in half, and half again.
  2. I shut the car door on my middle left finger earlier, it is still freaking hurting...
  3. I am tired of getting my email to work, there seems to be something upsetting it, which is upsetting me, because I am continuing to try and reset it, and I am tired of the continously resetting of nothing.
  4. The girl needs to be put to bed.. I seem to be the only parent around this evening to do it.. although even if I wasn't the only parent around to do it, I would still be the parent to put her to bed.
  5. I have three books that need to be read, and times a ticking.
  6. The boy enjoys talking to me, and it's hard to think and write and talk, and make sense doing it.
  7. I have other things that I need to be doing, rather than writing crazy stories about the incidences of life.
  8. I should be out watering my yard.... but I have waivered due to the clouds that emerged over the horizon.
  9. While I should be out watering my yard, I should have had my tripod with me, as the moon was a big glowing orange in the sky tonight.
  10. My glass of red wine is empty, and I must leave to go and fill it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re: you're talking!!!