Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The speed of light

How can today be the 2nd... I haven't even made it past the 1st!

I sent away some letter to the elected officials, I will await their response.

I applied for some new jobs, I will await their response.

I sent some of my friends questions via emails, I have read their response.

In other things non responsive:

The husbandman came home from a long days work, made dinner, and then cleaned the kitchen. I believe I was getting to that. Oh, and on the way home he picked up dog food. I was getting to that as well. I observed his good work from the kitchen chair. WE even had a conversation about life in general. It was most interesting.

I drove through a gigantic puddle today, as did a whole line of vehicles. I wanted to chicken out, since it was my brand new Mazda5 that I was putting through the paces with, but a did spy a bunch of little cars go ahead of me through this sea of water, and they made it, so I figured I could as well. I didn't want to, but had to do it anyways... as there was no turning around from underneath the train overpass.

I part way de-Christmasized the home this afternoon. But only part way, as I placed the trinkets from around the house on the kitchen table. Nothing has actually been stored away quite yet. I believe that will happen tomorrow. Hopefully before the husbandman comes home and starts hiding things away for another year.

I made the husbandman do something familyish yesterday. We went to Body Worlds 3 at Science World. It was completely fascinating, and I loved it. What is even more hard to believe is that the models were once actual living humans that have donated their bodies to science, which has now become a world wide exhibit.

But here we are today, living life in the year 2007.

I believe we are living at the speed of light.

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