Monday, January 08, 2007

And now we are back...

To regularly scheduled programming.

Boy to school. CHECK
Girl to school. CHECK
Lunches made. CHECK
House is silent. CHECK
Big empty space in my heart. CHECK
Love the chicklets even when they are flitting about and creating chaos. CHECK CHECK.


Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

The kids have left home..CHECK
Presents delivered to Grandkids.. Check
Out for Lunch with Friends.. CHECK
Put up feet for rest of day...CHECK
still lots of food in fridge... Check

Deanna said...

..... so says that wise old owl. I'll get there one day, although I am not in hurry to do so!

Ozfemme said...

From the southern hemisphere:

Children on six-week summer break and staying up till all hours - CHECK
Mother not on six-week break and required to attend place of employment each day - CHECK
Bank balance dwindling due to children's daily need for entertainment - CHECK
House in state of chaotic disarray - DOUBLE CHECK
Mother certain that she'd have it no other way and will look back on these as the best years ? - CHECK CHECK CHECK

although I must say that outhouse's comment sounds good too though....