Saturday, January 06, 2007

Details of the day... which are useless!

  1. The local paper published my "whining about killing bears article".
  2. Do babies really need flu shots? and why?
  3. Survived another wind storm last night... all 29, around 60 foot trees are intact. More than my friend can say about her street!
  4. I knew a friend of mine was pregnant today, I told her so. She didn't even utter a word. I have magic powers in this regard.
  5. Believe that the great creator has great plans for some that are not even born yet.
  6. Four and five are not related.
  7. My hair needs to be coloured, it isn't behaving desperate yet, but I am closing in the on the hideous look, it's about five washes away.
  8. The boy is super in love with his parents (temporarily) as he was given an MP3 with music, video and photo capabilities.
  9. I turned down a job opp. that came my way. There was the expectation of working Mondays, and those silly people.. I already work Mondays!
  10. Am still trying to track down the Manager of Rehab Services... as the person that I was told it was, wasn't. That person emailed my note about a position to another Manager... who just so happened to be the person that I talked to about the position, and gave me the name of the Manager that I just finished emailing. GEEEEE... I am really wondering why the position hasn't been filled yet!
  11. Wondering where some of my friends are... I can only email so many times before I get bored of conversing with myself.
  12. Lined up the chicklets at the computer yesterday and disk by disk went through games that they played and didn't play. Those kids of mine... they sat through the whole process, and didn't complain once. Well, especially since they didn't know that I had temporarily glued them until the job was completed. I am now sporting an empty disk rack. Yes, I am showoffable!
  13. Lucky thirteen. I will stop here.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Congrats on being published. It was a very well written letter, now lets hope it has some impact.

Shall we make a coffee date? The kids will be back at school and I am also sick of talking to myself. I am off on the 11th & 12th.

A tidy desk? Ill have to come over to see that, I cant remember what a tidy desk looks like!