Friday, December 30, 2005

Let's see....

I realized that flyers really can be helpful. I happened to see on the front page of "Canadian Tire" that they had a computer desk, and a 4 shelf book case that was separate. Being the kind and practical parent that I am.... I think the boy can have that for his birthday present. He might cringe at this most practical birthday gift, but then again, I am also a bad gift giver, oh well, he loses this year.

OH, and since I did let myself out of the house today, it came to light that I do not ever want to work at "Canadian Tire". I had to go to two Canadian Tires to get the computer desk thing, so that meant I had to talk to people in the process. I am certain that they could not have paid these employees enough to be happy, crack a smile, or even be helpful, or wait, look like they have an ounce of energy even. I didn't find this in the one store, I found it in both the stores. I even got to watch this short haired short person dispute the abilities of a blow dryer return... (I started thinking to myself.."Alright little short girl, with little short hair, you are a customer service person, not a product specialist, shut up and let the girl with the BEAUTIFUL long red flowing locks return the god damned blow dryer.....FUCK!"...). Perhaps instead of getting a Christmas Bonus.. all these poor suckers got were Canadian Tire Christmas Cutbacks!

In other things worthy of a late night mention....the catdog is tired today. She had to be outside earlier to sit in the lawn. Being winter, it may have been a bit too damp on her precious fur and delicate paws. Then later, she had to entertain other guests, by sniffing out other cats. That tired her further. She did get to go for a walk, and had an encounter with a fearsome little yappy thing that was locked behind a fence, which she hid behind me as we walked past. A little later she frantically paced about the 1365 foot rancher in great worries about her food, whether she should eat it, or wait for the king to come home. She took a little rest at that point, and stared at her food in her bowl, just in case some of it tried to get away. Finally, the husbandman came home, which expended the rest of her energy wagging her tail, and running back and forth between the laundry room, and the livingroom. We are not sure of the reason for this random running, but it seems to make her happy. A short while ago she was zonked out on the couch. Now I have found her sleeping beneath the Christmas tree, again zonked out. I think this is her pre-bed time nap. She should sleep well tonight. I might have to curtail the clicking of the keys, as it may be disturbing her.

1 comment:

BarbaraMG said...

I avoid Canadian Tire for the reasons you described. They pay their employee's $8.10/hour so I can understand why they are so appathetic.