Monday, December 05, 2005


Those blogger helper people are fast... I have spent the last number of hours between flashcard drills and piano practicing looking for myself. I finally sent an email to the blogger helper people not too long ago... and PING-a-DING... here I am. I'm back, right where I left myself at 4:00 this morning when I was awake, and cruising around the world looking into other peoples lives, since apparently sleeping wasn't cutting it for me at that moment.

I sent them a little note. I had to embelish upon the fact that my blog was important to people, it made their lives whole. That this blog has a purpose and represented to those that passed by, a peace of mind, or hope and a path to understanding this life that we lead. OK, so I didn't really write that, but I am sure that is what they will be thinking when they read the note that I really did send:

HELP!! I am lost, I can't be found, and I can't go on if can not have my blog.

But surely the sophisticated blogger helper people will read between the lines and interpret the previous line as the above paragraph.. surely they will!

I am just happy that I have my wonderful little island of happiness back to write all my natterings upon. I would also like to thank my 9 other personalities for backing me up when I wrote to the blogger helper people that 10 other people relied on this blog as well to make their day whole.

OH, and for those that know me personally, I did buy a bottle of wine today... but I just never got around to opening it.. in case you have your eyebrows raised at this very moment.

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