Tuesday, December 20, 2005


My list of books has grown very long. I have spent many days collecting and returning books to my little library across town. The sad thing is, some of the covers have come home, spent time on my night table, and returned.. in the knick of time, before the fine collector starts it's quarter a day thing, (for the next purchase of the libraries latest greatest books)!

In the meantime, I have a stack of books on my night table, and the return policy is simple... just return when I have finished reading them. You have to love that. Included in the friendlending library frolics, I now have another contributor to the libraryitis cause.... someone from work has lent me their copy of a book that I had to return last week, that I was a third of a way through. That is close to illegal for me, but then again, I do speed, and I don't mind doing that... so I had to give in to the book loss while still reading issue... and I did wait for about three months for the book from the library. What a winfall!

On that note... I must go and check the library for a book that a youngish lady told me about. I absolutely need to read it. She read it. It took her seven months to read. She also had a stroke a year and a half ago, which affected her speech side of her brain, which also affected her ability to see letters and numbers as they are written on the page. People and their perserverence keep me awestruck on many levels.

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