Thursday, December 29, 2005


I have stalked the recycle truck today, put away some christmassy things, cleaned out the fridge of any form of turkey dinner remnants, (except for the coleslaw), planted some tulips (because I just happened to find them), and washed ALL of the bedding on our bed. Currently the door is shut to our room, with the window open just to air it out a bit. One day of sickness for the husbandman, and that's it for me. Everything needs to stripped and cleaned and disinfected and then once overed. Oh, I might add that he went to work this morning.. and is still not home with his sickness factor. Anything that the bug infected man might have touched has been cleaned. A bit psycho yes, but it probably needed it anyways.

1 comment:

BarbaraMG said...

Not psycho at all. I think one of the reasons people get sick so often is lack of basic standards like washing bedding and fresh air.