Sunday, December 04, 2005

NO sushi for you!

Well, that is if you want it on a Sunday. Apparently there is to be no sushi eaten on a Sunday around these parts. The sushi people are happy sushi makers for six days out of the week, but never on a Sunday. I wonder if that is the day that the sushi people sit, and eat sushi just for themselves. I am perplexed. Although.... I still have a container in the fridge from Saturday nights sushi fest... SSSShhh.. this must remain a secret.


Chastity said...

So, let me get this had sushi Saturday night, and then are dying to go out for it again on Sunday? This must be some good stuff :).

Anonymous said...

Matzusushi on North damn sushi you'll ever find! T&T's not bad either...and they're both open on Sunday!!!!!!!!