Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The first sound of the day.

I hear movement down the hall.. it's the Pip... I can tell by the way she shuts her door, and by the sound of the way her feet hit the floor.... I am waiting... what's it going to be, a day at school, or a day at home.... tick tick tick tick tick..........she has gone to the bathroom first..... I must keep waiting to hear what's going to come out of her mouth... still waiting. Apparently the bathroom has magically superglued her. AHHH.... her she is.. and the verdict is.....she's staying home. Her blond mass of hair is too messy to be set straight to go. No really, it is. I think a day of rest will kick the cold out of her.. and then she can happily resume her Grade Three business tomorrow, including sharing her name with two other girls in the class. That's a bit funny... because there aren't many of her names around, although it's not totally foreign. Perhaps by tomorrow her raw little red nose will be blowing, the same as the rest of her lovely skin, rather than like a beacon that it is now. Good call I am thinking.

In other news about girls: The little J-meister bashes on our front door yesterday.. she wanted to know if Mr. Husbandman was home. I asked her if she had broken a window somewhere... she shakes her head no. She just wanted to talk to him she says. ( I try not to crack up ). I ask her if I need to leave him a message... "Yes, can you ask him if he can fix Chelsey's bike seat, it needs to go up" she said. "Certainly", I said to her... "when you see Mr. Husbandman come home, he will help you". OK, the funny thing is... both the dad's for these two bike riding chicks fix this kind of stuff, they must have been out, or busy... I was impressed by her resourcefulness. She knows that Mr. Husbandman has the most tools.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious that the husbandsman is getting such the reputation for fixing anything and everything! He is becoming the neighborhood "Tim Taylor"! Even to 8 year olds!