Thursday, December 23, 2004

What if...

I have been thinking...what if I make my list.... and then I forget the crucial item to even be put on the all important list.... and then I forget the crucial item, and it's too late. I am having Turkey Trauma... a phenomenom afflicting woman who have husbands that cook the turkey on Christmas Day, which the woman has no part of. Clearly this is an issue. I keep thinking of things that I need to get before the all important Turkey-ness begins. The turkey thoughts never even enter my mind... I am having no visions of Turkey-plums dancing in my head. I am of the mindset of the gift exchange program... food doesn't get factored into this, hence once again the problem. Never have I mentioned here before... but I am truely a bad gift-giver....not that I give a gift with a sour face... it's just figuring if something that I (we) have given is adequate. Especially to those that want for nothing, nor wish for things that can never be given back. I think I am going to write a note... on both of my hands... "HAVE YOU GOT YOUR TURKEY TODAY?"

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