Thursday, December 30, 2004

Somethings to do before the end of the year.

  1. I'll try and remember to tell "The King" that I love him... time is running out for this year afterall, he really should win some kind of award.
  2. Hug my girl at least 64 1/2 more times. She is very huggable... her and all of her stuffed cats.
  3. Tell my boy that he is the most amazing, kindest, smartest most musical boy on this side of the river. What river that is, I never specify... I can't make his head swell to too much.
  4. Be thankful, be thankful, be thankful. For too many things to begin to describe.
  5. Call my sister... it is important to call her before the end of the year. Only because I have called her the 364 days, I wouldn't want to end on a bad note.
  6. Clean out a drawer... it's tradition.. out with the old, and in with the new. I can hide more things that way.
  7. Hook up my new scanner.... and reconnect my old mouse... because the current mouse is not mouse worthy, and although the current printer is very printer worthy it is unscannable, and I will not enter the NEW YEAR without scanning abilities. I will have the potential to turn into Superman with his scanning ways if I am not careful....
  8. Tell my oldest evilest of dogs that she will live, at least 33 more times. She tends to have issues about being patient, and waiting, and being put in a cage to get out of my way so I can load the washing machine with masses of laundry, and not having to deal with one too many dogs getting in the way.
  9. Remind my oldest dog that she is still going to live.. because she will still be hissing about it even after I do it the first 33 times. Then tell the little sillier dog that she will live to, because she likes to be included in all conversations.
  10. Hug my family, call my parents, pet my dogs, remember friends that I haven't had a chance to connect with in a while, and rejoice in the fact that our lives are very very good... even without a new kitchen. And the clock ticks on...

1 comment:

Chastity said...

That was great, you are so clever :).