Thursday, December 30, 2004

Some helpful hints to acquiring bonus points

The regular chant that whirls through my mind and permeates onto my exisitance is the constant: "I am a good and kind wife". "Oh really", I counter myself with a challenge.

"The King" I will call him... (it's just easier that way)... brought me home a dozen red roses on Christmas Eve. As he always does, and has done for years, except when I worked on Christmas, then he had his friend deliver them to me on Christmas Day. Except this past week because he no longer sees his friend Adam anymore (time and distance factors)... so hence the Christmas Eve effect. Anyways... a good and kind wife as I am immediately arranges all the prettiness into more prettiness, but in a vase.. and then I promptly take them outside and put them on the back step. That is what a good and kind wife does. Now, I am able to stare at my beautiful red roses living in their pool of water, heads held high, buds are still firm but slightly opened. This is the way to enjoy a boquet of flowers... from the inside looking out. It's a good thing that Mr. Cleanandtidy brought home some window cleaner from work... now I can clear away the fingerprints and the dog fur smudges to get a clear glimpse of what is really out there.

ON other wifely goodness: I bought him a very nice Christmas card, as he does the same for me... we are the ones "to keep those trees growing for our benefits only" kind of people. I very nicely put it in my favourite hiding spot... where all the bills go until I have to enventually look at them... but when I went to fill in his card with something nice to say... all I saw was "Congratulations on your new son"..... so now I am confused... I remember buying a Christmas Card for him... I don't remember it looking like a Congrats card... but then again... I could have picked that up.. without noticing.. and then put the other one down... and because I do things in certain ways... like deliver cards to the checkout upside down and tucked into the envelope... that way the clerk doesn't need fumble with the card for scan-ability. So now I don not know what card I bought for "The King", that was my downfall. At this moment in time... The King is cardless. He seems to be functioning quite well despite this.

Speaking of scanability... I was at Costco yesterday picking up a prescription so that the raging staph infection that had gone into my lymph glands under my arm that had created a great amount of numbess and tingling in all of my right arm and hand, and was working up into my cheek would settle down... as I was waiting... I spied a scanner, copier, printer on for a reasonable price. I don't need a printer.. I have one. It makes me happy.. I can not mess with happiness.... it never works... but.... I am going to tempt the happiness gods and purchase this little hottie... I will let you know the happiness quotient in a number of weeks when I take the cartridges to be re-filled with ink....

1 comment:

Chastity said...

Ha, you're right, never mess with the happiness :).