Wednesday, December 09, 2009

On the ninth day I:

Got it together for approximately 33 minutes and did some Christmas shopping.

How incredible am I?????

I even went to the boys piano recital thingy-er-jig.

It was all good.

I put together a picture frame that I only have had for a year.

AND wrote out ONE thankyou card.

OH.. and I best not forget the three sprigs of christmas cheer that I arranged onto the kitchen table.

This has been a day of days.... !

So.. I will not tell the list of details of the many millions of things that I should have done.... I only wish to give out the smallest of things... because you know.. I live a life of mystery and intrigue...

(and semi-forgetfulness)

I will save that for another occasion....

1 comment:

Chaos is my Life said...

I love your adventish sort of calender here on your keeps me up to date on the fact that my Christmas card is still in the back of your old car! ;o)