Wednesday, December 02, 2009

And on the 2nd day of December I:

Went to the Ford dealership with the mother.

Just a tune up folks, not an early Christmas gift!

I think I am going to rake my backyard today.

It has needed some attention since the leaves fell off the trees... and the winds blew cedar bits off the trees.

I also have Christmas cards that are needing the plastic covers removed from the box, and every so NEATLY scribbled in!

In an effort to keep the family believing that I am an OK mother... I might even have to resort to some form of Christmas shopping. That is my function in the home at this moment.... as the husbandman has managed to successfully load and unload dishwashers AND combat the laundry.

I maintain an equilibrium of camera usage and book completions.

"Hmmmmmm... what's that... we need something from Costco.... oh... I'm sorry.. I don't really shop there any longer...." says the NEWISH crazy haired mother.

No seriously.... I may even just clean out more of my closet today....being all bigshotish and all about myself....

OK family... off to school and work you go.... I have THINGS to accomplish here...

ya right... see post below.

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