Monday, October 17, 2005

There's something missing....

AAAhh... Monday morning, the start of a whole new week. Everyone back into the routine of daily life, or not. It is closing in the on the 7:45 hour... and not a soul has risen, except the for the man that goes to make the money during the week, and his beloved furry friend that watches him leave every morning, and me... the almost non-weekday working typing person. That leaves the chicklets.. which, on any given weekday morning should be up and busying themselves getting ready for school... but alas today we still have that little government bullying situation, and the teachers are not backing down.. so for the moment, the chicklets are still busy sleeping, and I am typing... and that makes me happy.. I think. Oh, and the whole home schooling thing... I think maybe I will trade my kids for some workable ones that live someplace else... my very own are not workable...they are readable and artable, but not teachable. Someone else needs to do that...

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