Monday, July 02, 2007

You have to go...

The husbandman got invited to an east indian wedding reception. It was held yesterday, on July 1st. (Fireworks... what fireworks??)

So here's a couple of things....
  1. When the invitation time says 7PM, don't show up until 830PM. (This doesn't help when the time was changed on some of the invitations.. but sadly it wasn't changed on ours... ours said 6PM).
  2. Make sure you sit next to a table that has multilingual guests. It helps with the caucasion crowd control.
  3. People didn't "appear" to bring gifts. ( I hid ours under a table somewhere.. hopefully they will find it ... tomorrow!)
  4. Don't wait for the wedding couple to eat first, they don't eat at all at the reception.
  5. Be prepared to be entertained by colourful dancing men.
  6. On that thought.. while there is dancing at this wedding, it is interesting to note that the men run to dance together.
  7. Dancing is not difficult, you sort of shoot your hands in the air to the beat of the music. Just like the videos.
  8. Just when you think you have had dinner by the courses that have been handed around, just prepare for an announcement that dinner is served.
  9. Dancing starts before dinner, and continues during dinner, and after dinner, in fact dinner goes on all evening.
  10. It's beautiful and colourful and gracious, if you are fortunate to be invited, it's a lovely evening to (me) the highly boring.

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