Monday, July 09, 2007

How do I reread?

The book club has set up it's next book. I liked the book, but I read it two years ago. Now I am going to have to reread the book. There's an issue with that... why would someone reread when there is so much reading to be done, and I don't have enough hours in the day to do the reading that I wish let alone be a rereading reader.

I can't reread. There isn't time to reread!!!! Then I wont. I will skim the pages in one hour or less, and then I will feel some sense of enlightenment. I don't think rereading will give me the initial pleasure of embarking. I regail at the embarkment as the pages turn, or in some cases creak. Sometimes I feel that the pages just clunk over as I sigh when the pages turn, and then I look to the back of the book and do the math at how much time it's going to take me to finish the book. This is much to painful of an experience, so therefore rereading is absolutely out. In fact.. I only hope that I skim the next book. I am going to be the loser book club reader, I just know it!
I think the little oldies that make up this bunch will kick me out before I have a chance for my say.. other than " I didn't reread the book". They might just throw their coffee mugs and lace doilied goodies at me. I will sit by the door for a quick get away.

Enough of that nonsense...

In other good nonsense... I almost upchucked yesterday while visiting a friend at Art & Knapps. We were talking for quite a while, and it gets quite hot in the "green house" part of the building.. and all of a sudden I had this overwhelming "heat" take over me. I wrapped up the conversation quickly and departed to the great outdoors where it was equally hot, but I was able to wonder around looking for two trees to buy for our front yard. I just thought I should share that.

That boy of mine wishes to buy an X*box. I told him to look in the flyers for the prices. He was quite hurt when he saw the prices. He has a long way to go before he can dream of bringing the big purchase home. So in an effort to help him in his endeavour I asked if he would wash up the dishes that were sitting on the counter, and a couple of glasses in the sink, I told him I would pay him a dollar. Yes, a dollar... Anyways, when I eventually made it home from my wandering vomiting ways.. the dishes were still sitting on the counter untouched. I asked the boy why he didn't do the dishes.. he said he wouldn't do them for a dollar. I told him that was OK, he didn't need to do them for a dollar, instead now he could do them for free.

Must depart, the walking group starts in a bit, and I have to meet Me, Myself and I over at the Arts Centre. If we are the only ones that meet, then I will drive us back to the Hyde Creek location and walk within the shaded area of the trail. I wish all of us luck.


Wind Blossom said...

Do you hear that D? Can you hear me laughing? You do that to me...whether it's in person, or make me laugh. Thanks for that!

Susan said...

Tell that boy he doesnt need an X box. Its summer! I have a nice pair of orange trunks I will give him for free if he wants to come swimming!!!! I hope he realizes there are some people in this world without shoes! And here he wants an Xbox! Geeze!
Great post Deanna.