Wednesday, June 14, 2006

What's behind door number one???

Yesterday, I was patiently waiting around the school for the chicklets, after I forgot it was "acting" day for them, and was prompt for the pickup at 3:01 on the almost dot... but didn't need to pick them until 4:30, so I waited. It seemed kind of useless to walk home again, and then turn around and walk back, let alone come back in an hour in the vehicle to get them. Life is complicated... HA!

So as I stood waiting.. I learned a couple of things. I learned that there are three classroom teacher options waiting for the PIPSTER, as she enters into grade four. The important thing to note of course, is that it's THE PIP that is in grade four, not I... and I have to come to grips with the fact that even if I DO NOT CARE FOR what's behind door number one, two or three, bottom line is, the PIP needs to feel "the love", not I. I need to keep telling myself that. OH yes freaking hell, I need to keep telling myself that.

Let's review the options currently at stake:

Door number one: Remember the reference I made about "the-probably-lovely-person-outside-of-school-life", but is a dolt as a teacher. Or, how about "mud on a rock", or my favourite, "receives a paycheck for taking up air space". Yes, I can not fathom any dealings with this teacher.. NONE NONE NONE. This was also the woman that I questioned as to how she could be tired from "poking holes in potatoes"?? Yes, that amount of energy fatigued her greatly... so I don't even begin to think about what a classroom full of boisterous busy body girls would do to her.

Door number two: The current psychotic, crazy and scornfilled teacher that the Hamsterson has. Yes people, this man has currently lost it. I got word yesterday from the mother herself that this "perhaps a while ago he might have been good" teacher told the mother that when she comes around "her indenpendent strong but non eating child turns into a sissy little mommy's girl". OK, I think this teacher is right.. but he has now lost all ability to speak with any form of tact, which makes me wonder where his head has actually gone to. (( I should back up here a moment and tell the readers that there is a field trip to Victoria today, and I kid you not.. there have been screaming matches, confrontations, inquisitions and now insults as to howcome some parents were not invited on this field trip. OH, and I wasn't picked either... but I am certain that riding on a bus for an hour, then chasing a group of kids around a ferry for 90 minutes, and then making sure one doesn't lose them in Victoria for a whole day, just to do it all over again is my idea of a good time... , I am not heartbroken...)) So currently that is where the Hamsterson is, and quite frankly I am hoping that the current psychotic teacher doesn't send a couple of the kids in the waters of the Straight of Georgia... or maybe he should have rethought the parent portion of travellers. At any rate, with his steady state of decline over the past number of weeks and months, I am not even certain what kind of call to make on this guy... other than PLEASE RETIRE.

Last but not least... I will call them the SCREAMTEAM. For me.. in my wildest dreams, this is not the team that I would like to see together. Both of them yell, a lot. One of them I have come to terms with.. she is who she is, and she has realized that the PIP is who she is.... and this teacher has to stop trying to make the PIP into someone that she can not mold, because it just isn't going to work. We had a conversation yesterday... and this teacher has actually resided to that fact. I very much wanted the PIP to be in her class for this year, because I believed that she would motivate the PIP to do things with her high pitched voice, and animated expressions, which she has, but she has also scared PIP into being terrified to make mistakes. I have claimed for most of the year, that this one half of the screamteam would be an excellent grade 5 teacher... ( I believe she was at one point )... she just would be, she has very high expectations, and sets out on big tasks, is very excited about all the work that she puts forward to the kids, and sees that the bottom line is success for all her people, but, she just can't seem to remove herself from marking and grading everything she gets her freaking hands on. This has been over the top, and quite frankly hugely annoying, from a parent perspective. It has been an unbelievable year, in respect to homework from this teacher... and sadly... all of this should have been saved for grade four and five.. not grade three. Grade three should be saved for that enjoyable year, where you know how to read, numbers do not scare you any longer, and you have made some friends. So this teacher is not bad, she is loud, and straight up, and shoots from the top of her head, which sometimes doesn't work. Unless of course, as the parent you just stop coming around.. and avoid all contact... and let the child go to school, and love that teacher in the highest form. OK, now for the other half of the screamteam... let me see, thinking back...she was cruel to my lovely Hamsterson, hurled insults which only she thought was funny, made him feel like he was one inch tall, and worthless of any sort of intelligence... I think it shall go unsaid as to how I feel about her....

And there are the options for the PIP's grade four year. It's an impressive selection... and it will all be unveiled to us in the second week of September.. boy I can't wait.

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