Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Action, Drama and Suspense.

There was quite a bit of action surrounding the events of the school trip today.. somebody was late.. and the buses left, and the STUDENT TEACHER finally showed, the parents were hysterical, the STUDENT TEACHER didn't have a clue where the ferry terminal was, and the dolt of a teacher didn't have her cell phone on, so the STUDENT TEACHER couldn't even contact her. Interesting I say, ... nice and interesting. I missed it all... as I was here brewing coffee, and busy doing morning things... just so I could be nice and almost late for the 09:00 bell with the PIPSTER.

I went to the boys piano recital, minus the boy. The piano teacher was kind of shocked at first, but I told her I was on my lonesome... I was only in the audience to watch all the other kids achievements. OK, she has some wickedly talented players.. I loved the "ho-hum I am still playing look" that some kids gave the audience. Three students sang, and sang incredibly. Then the piano teacher kind of cried, as she isn't sure whether she is going to be able to teach this September, as she has taken a new job someplace else. It made my eyes water... she is just an amazing teacher with the Hamsterson , and I am greatly thankful for two of my friends to have set me onto her.

After I left, it was time for the BOY to be picked up from his field trip.. the great suspense was whether or not he was going to make it home in one piece, or make it home at all.... and so we waited, and waited.. it looked like a regular day at school with cars parked everywhere.... but the people seemed a bit more jovial.. and whala... from through the cars, Mr. Hamsterson emerged from the greatly debated and well fought over field trip... with a lovely smirk and a sparkle in his eye... I believe he had a great time. OH YES, I found out just a few moments later... the two five dollar bills that I placed in his pockets never even made it off the ferry, but rather they were inputted into the video game machines on the boat... OOOOOPS... once again, my memory failed me... I forgot to ask him NOT to put money into the machines.

OK, enough for one day.

1 comment:

Susan said...

My Goodness! Tuesday and Wednesday were certainly very productive for some body, blog wise that is.
Glad G enjoyed the field trip. Those ferry trips can be costly though.
Your Tuesday post touched me deeply. I'm printing that one up for my sentiments box!