Saturday, January 10, 2009

My response:

Well... I tried with the best of my ability to not answer that form letter. I really tried..... but is obvious that I am truly crazy... and couldn't stop myself. Like my sidebar states... ( as if this is a reason or something....)... that I watch people... and then write about it....It's the same thing here.... I read things from people... and then write them back! I tried hard to keep it short, and without too much craziness added to it... but you know.... this is what a parent thinks about... or at least this parent thinks about.

I am still of the mind that WE are not doing something right, in reaching/teaching this boy of mine.... there is something that is missing, and I think will forever be missing... and that is the way it is! I am not about to start in on psycho-ed assessments, and the like...I am just not... but when I get these kind of crazy letters with "please sign & return" attached to it... it just makes the icing drip off the big thick chocolate cake that I just baked in the oven....

I haven't had a response yet from the school..... they probably saw the writing on the wall and put that in the special pile marked: F.R.E.A.K. PARENT.... DO NOT APPROACH.....


Thank you for the receipt of the “Learning Support Plan for Adaptations within the Regular Classroom.”
Under the “Current Achievement” It is documented that “* able to maintain his level of performance in meeting expectations for grade level in the listed core subject areas by utilizing some adapted supports as offered at core teach
ers’ and student Services’ discretion”.

I have to be honest, I read this sentence over and over, and in the end I came to the conclusion that it really did not make sense to me whatsoever.
From what I understand from his recent report card, and conversations with yourself and Mr. *;* is currently receiving an “I” for Grade 8 Math. With the information from the report card, and the above statement this is what I gather from it: * has successfully managed to conduct himself with very little effort to continue to meet expectations for his grade level, with classroom adaptations.
The next paragraph details the “Goal” for * ...will continue to meet and to maintain the widely held expectations for the grade level”. As a parent, this information frightens me to consider that even with adaptations put in place that *will continue on his path of receiving an “I” Grade for Math 8, with very little effort.

This is troubling to read and interpret.

I have considered the conversations with the teachers and with * and have formed some thoughts:
Easily distracted.
Fails to work when requested
Does not retain information to complete task
Does not complete homework
Appears glazed over.
Does not complete math exams.
Does not seek help after class when requested to do so.
Has had some success with small group instruction.
Does not take notes from board.
Complains that it takes too long.
Does not understand that math is equivalent to writing. That each and every math equation deserves the same scrutiny as writing a good sentence.
Current Achievement:
· “I” in Math 8
· To improve attention in class
· To increase amount of math work accomplished in class.
· To improve ability to retain math work instruction.
· To complete homework assignments as requested by teacher.
· To attempt all math tests and quizzes.
· To increase confidence in math
· To improve current “I” letter grade in math.
Plans for success:
· By sitting at front of class away from distraction
· By meeting with math teacher after school at least once a week.
· By engaging in small group instruction as requested.
· By completing homework as requested, with parent signature.
· By taking notes in class when requested and putting them in his binder.
· By attempting every second question on math exams.
· By asking pertinent questions in classroom discussions.
· By using home computer to master basic math skills.
Thank you for your support for * in the classroom. At this time I am unable to sign the document until there is clarification in the “Current Achievement” and “Goals” listed. I will not comment on the bulleted list of Assessments that will be used, as they do not come with any explanations as to what they are, without assuming what exactly they are.

I had to stop there, as I didn't want the student services teacher to actually send a dart through my face via another letter home.

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