Friday, January 02, 2009

First book of the year....

I liked this book. It took me a while to read... well, actually I ignored it for a while, and then ignored it some more... and then when it came down to the crunch and I had to read it, it never got done.. but then the Book Club was cancelled due to snow. I can't believe that this was over two weeks ago... and just today, I cancelled my Monday group due to snow... (well, for other semi-related weather conditions as well.. but when you are a stroke survivor, trying to find your way in a multitude of weather messes, it does begin to get a bit tricky... and for certain.. I am a safety first kind of girl... so in the effort to always remain "things will not happen on my watch" sort of person.. I cancelled).

Back to the book.... I enjoyed it. It was a bit bizarre in some spots.. and I am really left wondering about the main characters state of mind upon finishing the book, as I am thinking that he isn't so right in the upstairs. (His sister really was not alright in the upstairs department). Once I engaged myself into this reading adventure, I was hooked. I enjoyed the writing, even though the character development left one thinking with one eye closed about potential missed ideas and concepts... but that didn't really happen, upon re-reading some sections. This tale took the reader on an interesting journey... to the point of being unbelievable.. then then in reality ... totally believable.

I liked it... and hopefully, all going well, my memory will retain the information for this months book club... that is not happening until the end of the month... hopefully I will remember the title by that point.

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