Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy looky louing.

the PIP called me from school today to come and pick her up. That PIP!

We went for a drive up the mountain... so we could see sunshine again. We found it at the top of the mountain... and out from underneath us was the FOG that we left behind. It was quite beautiful really.... and soothing to see the blue sky once again.

We headed over to the other rather large mountain, and drove way up into the scalped countryside with it's thousands of homes. We made our way down one street, where it was STILL single lane traffic, and about three feet of snow left on their front lawns. The piles of snow that were sitting at the end of their driveways were about 10 feet high. WOW.. the price you pay for living on top of an expensive mountain.

I did bring all my camera gear with me... but being the TRES picky picture girl that I am ... didn't find the right LOOK that I was after... hence the NON picture. Perhaps tomorrow.

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