Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The day is ICK!

Bad hair and bad coffee... what more could a girl want!

I'll tell you... BLUE SKIES & BEARS!

I have to go fix this mane on my head.... it's just wrong.

So is the coffee, which is instant. I DIDN"T BUY IT... the husband bought it for a quick fix.. which is exactly what I wanted....

I boiled the stainless steel kettle practically until the super hard plastic handle was pleading to send it to hell, (it would have been cooler there I think).... and filled my cup with scalding water. The water burst from the spout, spitting and sputtering along the way.... ooooh... it's that hot. I had to make the decision... tea or coffee... tea or coffee..... You see, I had tea last night, and the little starbucks girl put in TWO teabags in a regular sized cup. That amount of tea caffiene currently has me a bit scared. That is why I chose the instant coffee crystals... as they suddently caught my interest, and since I had some NO fat creamer left in my fridge, I knew it was all going to be bad... so why not mix the science experiment together, to get the full effect? Hence, now there is a cup of steaming hot water, with added brown flavouring, and the colouring of white sitting in front of me... barely touched, only sipped... and just sort of stared at.

Well... best move onto the hair now....

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