Friday, June 25, 2004

I know why I am grey... but why the dogs???

Well,little Miss Elp came to me this morning in the bathroom... and she sheepishly walks up to me, her eyes still heavy and her little pads all wobbly on the bathroom floor(she was fresh and cozy from a nights sleep in her wicker basket with the mint green ruffled baby blanket liner) .... I wrapped both my hands over her face, and scratched her on the nose. This little piece of affection made her tail wag.. but then again.. just saying her name makes her tail wag. So I took a good look at her... why do you have grey hair I asked her... her tail wagged. Hmm... typical answer coming from you I thought. Her name is L.P., short for Little Pup, and she is a German Shepherd.. she probably has something else in her.... like cat genes... but she looks exactly like a shepherd. We found her on Father's Day, or more like, she came to live with us on that day. Since that time, I have decided she is the oddest dog I have ever come to own. She is more like a cat. So, without delay, I started calling her catdog.. her response.. her tail wagged. She plays with balls with bells, chases string, sleeps on the couch and bed whenever she has the chance, sits on your lap, doesn't like to eat people food, if she could catch a bird she would, and follows you everywhere, she also has a bedtime... and we send her to her basket to go to sleep, otherwise she runs around the house. The only thing she doesn't like is when you try and pick her up. That's when she turns into a nervous nellie, and makes her self very heavy... and skitters away. So, is this what has turned her grey???? Perhaps she is worried about which one of her idiotic human friends will try and pick her up at any point in the day? How is it that dogs go grey... they don't worry about money, employment, a roof over their heads, finding that special partner in life, family planning, returning to her before married size let alone pre-children size, advanced education, raising children, the environment, communicating effectively with others, or better that, offending others with their own dog-talk, who will care for them when they are old, do they have a retired savings plan, their investment IQ, whether they have friends or not, they don't even care who their parents were !! I think maybe she is just grey simply to do with the fact that she is a dog mixed up with a cats mentality... now that is something to go grey about. D.

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