Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th take two...

Yes people... in our calendar of life, we are getting a second chance at having good luck or bad luck!

In fact, we get three chances this year. November will be our next Friday the 13th.

Updates will occur as the tragedies/winfalls unfold... or not!

1 comment:

LarryLilly said...

My younger son and my youngest, my only daughter, where both born on Friday the 13th. I used to call them collectively as Friday the 13th part one and two when they were in trouble. When I wanted all three, i would just call them as pauldavidann, then told who i didnt need to mess with togo back to what they were doing. When i see my sons now, its always together, they visit me together, one from Colorado the other from vegas. Some 16 years after my daughters death I still catch me calling them pauldavidann, and then realize what I said.