Tuesday, May 09, 2006


What in the world happened yesterday?... somedays it takes a while for me to remember what I did an hour ago, let alone 24 hrs ago. Many things happened yesterday.. but none of which will be transribed here...it's just not that exciting...

But in things that were exciting: ( in my world )

Myself and the Hamsterson went on a historical walk of our city. I didn't come up with this idea, it was some elses idea, and they included me into that idea.... and then I brought the lovely son... for good measure. So it was me, the Hamsterson and three older ladies. My Hamsterson got to chat with all of them... being his mature 11 1/2 year self.

Anyways.. it was all good, which is the real reason that I let myself be pushed into attending. It was a nice evening, and the boy and myself had an opportunity to wander about the city, staring at houses. Although, the boy already had taken that opportunity, and wandered about the city with his friends... after school, while I waited for him to return... which he kind of didn't... and then eventually made it home. My silly Hamsterson... he has a wandering instinct.. and I am not sure who he get's it from.... (tsk tsk)

It turned out to be a good thing that I brought the Hamsterson with me... he loved it. We even got to tour through two houses.. one that was built in 1898, and one that was built in 1913. You have to love being a looky-lou.... it is just the right thing to do. Actually I have driven past the house built in 1898 for years and years and years.... and wondered what it looked like inside... I am glad I waited... as the people have being slowly renovating it back to it's original state... with modern wiring of course.

and that was yesterday....

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