Monday, April 10, 2006

No really, rain harder

I am sure I am going to win mother of year... I believe that I am truly the one and only that should bring home the one big award...

I just took the chicklets to school. It is absolutely pouring out right now, I only remember one of the chicklets wearing a jacket.... OOOPS.

Now that I am home from bringing the chickets to school I noticed that someone forgot their lunch. I will not be rushing back to give them their lunch, which includes the recess snack... that chicklet will just have to wait until lunch time...

I couldn't get a brush through the Pipsters hair this morning, I think it's from not brushing it since Friday morning..... so I put it in a beautifully coiffed bun that should hold tight until approxiametly 3:00 PM... when school is out. I have to quit working weekends, I am not around for all of the day on Saturdays, and a greater portion of the day on Sundays... the husbandman doesn't really do long blond hair styles for almost nine year olds... I have to conserve his energy for CLEANING OUT bedroom closets of nine year olds.. which believe it or not.. makes me quite happier than a head of brushed long blond hair. It really is OK, since it is the Pipsters swimming day today... and I am hoping that I will be successful in getting some shampoo on those long locks to give it a semi-good rinse out. I actually do not really like the Pip to have freshly washed hair on a regular basis... because ever since she set foot into the school system, we have received notices of little BUG INFESTATIONS on a regular basis. Although... I do not fear the little things... it's nothing that my bottle of Tea Tree Oil hasn't kept under bay since her very first, and very last episode of head bugs.

I am waiting for the guys who come and "DE-everything-in-your-lawn" to show up. I am not sure if they are willing to come and demoss, deweed, poke holes and cutlawn.... when the weather is between streaming rain, and teeming rain... if there is a difference.

I will go... and get ready for the Monday group... while my dryer continues to squeal at me... and I turn psychotic by the noise, with the added help of some caffiene on board.... I should be in fine form in a couple of hours.

1 comment:

Susan said...

If I demoss and de dandilion my front yard... there would be only dirt left. At least its green. If I want a "lawn" I have to get that huge maple thinned out. It casts such a dense shadow.