Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's over for me.

I'm packing up.
I'm moving on.
I'm outta here,
Whats gone is gone.

I've done what I could,
and probably have forgotten the rest
somethings to my fullest,
and others, maybe my best.

Some might miss me,
some might not,
all I know....
Is that I have written alot.

Most days this page has mostly been filled,
with natterings, obscure thoughts, rants and stories,
other days it was filled with well hunted pictures,
and the smaller details of the day: minute daily glories.

I have to admit that it has been fun,
even though some weeks,
There have been times of a dry one.

It was never as if I had nothing to say
I just didn't make it to the PC that day.

Excuses aside,
and I'm moving on,
it's been a good ride,
if only a small one.

Good bye to my readers,
my commenter friends,
the stalkers & lurkers,
who still said nothing to the end.

Do not be sad, that I have come to a close,
Do you need a tissue... for your now runny nose..?

Along the stroke of midnight.... deep into 2009
I will make it back... post haste... in no time!

Until the time comes,
only thirteen hours from here...
I leave you these thoughts...
and wish everyone a "Happy New Year....!"


Chaos is my Life said...

It's never over.....

Happy New Year to you and yours! We missed coffee this season round....

Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

Happy New Year