Monday, December 01, 2008

Reasons why people point fingers

whent he word crazy is mentioned:

The other day I got a hysterical phone call from my girl as she was walking home from school. I was stuck in the longest line up in Costco that a woman has ever known, and endured the girls shrilling tales from the days events... hey, I had time, my line up was going no where fast.

She was walking home from school, all on her lonesome as the Fitness Club teacher had cancelled the session since she was busy doing report cards. This is a shame, because my girl enjoys going to the fitness club, even though it's only her and the teacher, and on most occasions it is cancelled. But I think my girl likes the mystery about this whole fitness non-group that has formed as well as belonging to something. I found it interesting that the girl was quite upset over this days cancellation.

I listened intently to the my girls stories about quitting the fitness club, and how the gecko's almost got out of the cage, and the fact that she still can't catch a ball in gym, and the girls were mean to her about it, but one girl did come to her defense that my girl tried her best, and on and on it went. As I continued to stand in the Costco line up which still hadn't moved, (where I was beginning to believe I had found the black hole), I did listen and calm the girls hysterics with what was apparently a disastrous 11 year olds day. These days happen, but I was smart enough not to say this to her. As she walked and we talked, her shrillness lessoned, where our conversation was less about the tragedies, and onto other positive moments.

I then turned to another subject which always makes her happy, and I asked her how her lunch was. Big mistake... or not.... The exasperated tone re-entered my eardrum as yet another story was revealed to me about the fact that she did not eat her lunch, but only her applepear and drink, but not her (beloved) teriyaki chicken with rice & vegetables, because she had no fork.~~

My impatience in the Costco line up began to dissipate, as my complete annoyance with policies over-rid my urgency to leave the much despised line up.

AS my girl told me her tales, it made complete sense to me howcome she was overcome by emotion, and her sudden lack of coping skills. There is a certain level of food intake that this girl of mine has to maintain in order for her to think straight, and I think on this day, it would have aided in her coping strategies.

She didn't have the 10 cents that is required by the cafeteria to eat her lunch. She did actually ask the cafeteria ladies for a fork, but they denied her the request, even when she stated that she would pay them the following day. They refused. Yes, now I completely admit my lack of organization in getting the girl's lunch completely together on this day, but it came to light that 10 cents really can buy happiness.

As a parent, this is truly frustrating. This is exactly how 10 cents can impact one persons day. When it comes to paying for school fees, it is clearly stated on the tops of forms that if there are financial issues, then call the school, because it can be worked out. Well, when it comes down to 10 cents for a fork, and the promise to repay it the following day, (which was proclaimed that all the kids make this statement, and still the answer was a NO) should there not be concessions made?

Now I can see if 650 kids asked for a fork everyday over the course of the school year that this would have a financial impact, but one fork, with the promise to pay later. I shake my head at this.

Please ask your staff for some leniency, and if you would like, I will send in five dollars to pay for my girls forks, and any other child that remains forkless on the occasion that they to need a utensil so they can eat their lunch to help them make it through the day.


Yes.. I sent this... to the principal.... BECAUSE. I. AM. WHO. I. AM.


Pippy said...

I agree momda I agree

gemmak said... ridiculous and frutrating....I'm glad you sent it to the principle!!