Wednesday, November 19, 2008

So this is how it was said:

There is a most amusing and very laughable commercial on TV. I am not certain when it comes on, and it only comes on at night I would think, but I am not positive...

The kids and I have come to mocking the commercial, and then the Hamsterson does the dance, and the Fussy says the words to the commercial... it's all comical, but then you would have to live here to find it that amusing...

Has anyone seen it... " ma.le"?

Anyways... you can only imagine the commercial... youngish guys, laughing, and one dancing, and then two sit, and one touches anothers arm... and it was the Fussy that asked me about this commercial... and why was it so weird.... so I told her it was a way that men can meet men. So it was her and mines little thing, and then eventually the brother got on board... (hence the now he's doing the imitating dancing part... which makes us laugh further)

Which was why last night, when she wanted to know when Daddy was coming home.... and my response was that he was out with his boyfriend... when she said to me "has daddy gone and turned into an male?" (And as luck would have it... the boy just happened to be standing outside of her bedroom, which then he started in on the dance).

Yes people... somethings just amuse us too much.

Off eagle hunting!

1 comment:

Chaos is my Life said...

What has happened to society?