Friday, November 14, 2008

Hey... what's going on?

I extend that question to everyone in the world, because you know.. I'm just interested, that's all.

So, I seem to be having some picture problems.

I can not post any here.


Picasa says that I do not have an internet connection.. and I am not sure how to fix that problem.. because I know I have an internet connection

Maybe I really do live in the twilight zone.... and BELIEVE that I write on a blog.. when in fact I do not at all.

I also believe that I am a character in a book, which is yet to be titled.


Anonymous said...

What's going on?

Oh just the usual...."chaos"!

But I'm having a glass of wine....just to "mellow out" the "chaos". I got to spend 4 hours in the hospital yesterday (pre-op) with an 86 year old, miserable old was fun...especially when he started yelling and swearing at anyone that dared walk by. I get to spend another 4 or so hours on Tuesday with his.....should be fun!

Tony now has full "power of attorney"....matters will be settled but very quickly!

My eldest hates me, my middle one just wants to go to "Rogers" for the umpteenth time and the girl....she wants a mommy/daughter date. The husband feels think?

The dog is herself and continues to puke through out my house...not because she's ill...simply because she eats everything in sight...including the stuffing from her bed.

And bears...they're here...I see the garbage...and the poop but....I don't actually see them.

Have you sent out my Christmas card yet?

Deanna said...

The last line made me laugh heartily!