Thursday, November 13, 2008

Full force BLUE

The blue skies are out. This is when it is extra lovely to be out walking around he local spots in the city. Of course it is extra windy... so that adds a stronger tempo to our march along the creek. It should be lovely in a little while.

In other things lovely:

The Pippy put on her crocheted pink hat this morning with the yellow flower. It was extremely cute... and with that blond wave of hair streaming from her head... I can't believe I wasn't standing with my camera.

Mr. Handsomeson is crazy. IN all my efforts to contain him last evening, I was more than unsuccessful. EXCEPT when I buzzed over to the mall to buy him a belt to fix his low jean problem that I DESPISE greatly. He kind of scowled at me with his temporary ONE eyebrow, until we found the right belt, and we could move on. Then it was back to his normal self, where he called his sister 11 times before we could make it home on the short 10 minute car ride. Yesterdays/last nights character was mainly Borat, with a little PRANCE thrown in for good measure. Him and all his personalities are hard to's really me, but just a whole lot worse.

For today:

I am going to make an honest attempt at leaving early... (from here, in a couple of moments actually)... and go and buy a cup of coffee. Yes I am. I could make coffee, right here, right now... I have the supplies, the time, and the technology. But it's not what I wish for at the moment. That's a big factor you know.

DAMN.. I so wish I didn't have any obligations... as I would HIGHTAIL back to Hayward Lake and go take more pictures. This time hopefully I would take pictures that do not have any noise attached to them.

I bought some more hair colour yesterday... so I will begin the contemplation process of the colouring. Hello, manufacturers out there... you have to make a two month product... that way the hair can start to feel like it is alive again.... as my hair has just started feeling.. but alas.. it needs to be coloured... which gives it that dead but alive feeling. It is just so odd.

OK.. my memory card has been wiped clean... camera, not brain... and I think today would be a good day to spot some prey... of what... that is yet to be determined. In the meantime... happy blue skies.

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