Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Poser

So there it starts... I flick my camera on... and he know that I am going to start taking pictures of him. he gets all shifty eyes, and begins his subtle movements... and eventually I am able to capture his eyes meeting the lense. At this point I am generally chuckling away at his ability to keep his eyes darting in all kinds of directions... so I have to give up once we have made eye/lense contact.
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Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...he has a "stache" happening!

Susan said...

EEk facial hair! You have see what happened to my boys once their chin folicles sprouted! Give him a couple of years and he too can look like a neanderthalic hippy!!!
BTW is this an inter.active.ma.le I see?
Technical question: How can you get these flash portraits without that darned head shadow?

Deanna said...

I read about that...and as you can see... I did not remember... hence the flash.

Isn't it something like a delayed flash... now I must hunt for my manual... I know I have read how to get rid of them... or is it more like that you have to have light coming from behind, plus the flash....?