Saturday, August 09, 2008

Saturday slush party

I think if we added ice to the great downpour that we are currently experiencing... and a package of crystal.light... it would be a slush party. I think.

I am having a house of ONE party at the moment. The boy left for the day, while I was at work, and since the KING is off doing some KING camping with the PIP, I am alone......

Here's my complaint_______________________________.

Exactly, you see my point.

I should be having alcohol... it just seems the right thing to do... but then... when drinking just doesn't come extremely natural (sorry LUJZA!), it's just kind of hard to do on your own. Damn.

I went to work today. I wish I didn't, but then I wish for things like lotteries too, so you's just one of the many zillion things that I wish for.

I am just pounding back the PINK crystal.light (sorry again LUJZA), and I might need to concoct another plastic cup of the jo-jo juice... it's quite refreshing..... when you are alone, in a silent house, with only a wet but drying dog for company.

I am avoiding things like putting away bags, and clothes, and throwing around laundry... and those details of life. They just bore me to tears... but I will not cry.. I will remain strong.. here, on my lonesome.

I need my boy here, and we would compose a song together... about being silent and alone, and it would be woefilled, and idiotic... truly to our liking.

It's a good thing that I did not try and water my flowers last evening... I think I would see little ARKS floating about the homeland. I did water one container that does not get wet when it pours with rain... so it was a good thing that I did it last night, and not tonight... that would only serve to help the neighbours continue their thoughts about having a crazy psycho woman living on the crescent.

OH.. and in things that might be important to my life:

I think I really want that (ick ick ick ick ick) full time job. Not that I want to work full time.. because I don't ... but more importantly it will get me away from doing my current job... which at the end of any given day.. I just don't care for. (I can't say I HATE IT any longer due to the sister in law starting the same job)... I have to try and be nice about my current state of affairs.

I think I am full up to my eyebrows with crystal light.. maybe I should take up drinking on my lonesome... that way I wouldn't have water dripping from above my eyes. (i am just kidding for those non chucklers out there).

SHIT... I have things calling to me... I guess I have to do them... AH.. but wait.. I just remembered that I have a book to read as well... and I think it is to be a good book... so now I am off... to procrastinate just a little longer... now there is something I am really good at... FACE IT... I bet you are too!

1 comment:

Chaos is my Life said...

Crystal Light huh???.....tsk, tsk,tsk! ;o)