Monday, August 25, 2008

The Monday Report

All quiet, except for the washer and dryer. See, I believe that is quiet, even when it isn't.

The KING, and "The Till" have headed off to work for the day. She loves this whole work thing... and waits for The King to invite her every Monday. How kind of the King.

To recap the past couple of days:

Friday we headed down/across/over to Centennial Beach with the four children. The event was incredibly funny, the whole time. I am not clear on the details other than.... we brought the little Pipsters stuffed "prance" with her, and Gramerica. These two are a lethal combination of humour. Remember those wierd wooden dolls that people would sit on their laps and make talk? well this is the same thing, but in stuffed animal form, and with the exception that the stuffed dog prance doesn't just have to sit on one's lap. (Hence the picture of her in the tree a couple of posts back).

Saturday = work = hell. No kidding. People were putting out fires all over the place, and I was the control center.
Sunday = work = hell, but one floor up... say the linen department, but a big sale, a really big sale.

While I was waiting for THE KING to prepare the dinner festivities I took off to see the bears. (Well, really.. what else should the QUEEN mother do to humour herself, but keep herself busy??) I should say BEAR, but you know.. it's fun to think in plurals. The people in the homestead were doing "their thing", and I invited some happy onlookers, but I had no takers. Just as I rolled around to my viewing spot corner, these two men waved their arms and indicated for me to stop the car... uhm... OK. (they had a little dog on leash...which in my mind SCREAMS they are safe).. they asked if I could help them jump their car... uhmm... little dog= safety or.... wait till someone else comes along.... then they tell me their wives are waiting at the van. OH... well of course... NO BRAINER. They did say I was brave for stopping... ( I did not tell them that this little NON intersection in the woods is busier than a stop light in downtown Vancouver at this time of bear viewing!).. anyways... they tried jumpstarting their car, but not before scaring me with jumper cables, and I had to ask if they knew what they were doing ... only because they really didn't seem 3000 percent positive how to jumpstart a car. (At that moment I envisioned myself, and my blown up battery of the indigo mazda 5 sitting there,.. oh, and I didn't bother with the cell phone, as that was charging on my we really need to be connected 24/7... ??? That answer would be YES!) I eventually drove the two men back home, so they could pick up a vehicle that worked, and I headed back to see the bears, which I eventually got to see.

One of my bear watching friends stopped me and was snickering away that I was the person that they had found to help them. He said he started laughing when he saw my car ... faced the wrong way jump starting the other car... I told him I had a motive.. that they needed to get their beastly van out of my viewing location... which is exactly where it was parked. I almost have a reserved sign that has gone up in my spot now, and wheel grooves that fit my car perfectly.

Well... day ONE of Sasamat... I have to go and remove children from their dens.

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