Friday, August 08, 2008

I'm back

I am back from my holiday, although I wasn't really on one, it was more like I didn't have access to a washing machine for three days.

I don't go far ever... not that I wouldn't want to go far.. I just don't. Maybe I will one day... so I'll be sure to not try and hold my breath.

For today:

The PIP is away doing fake camping at Loon Lake. (staying in a cabin, with running water, showers and a stove... plus a father that cooks her meat (marinated a roast) on the BBQ. See,... what good fortune!

I looked like a mother that was letting her ex-husband TAKE the child for his allotted visitation time in the Tim. Horton's parking lot earlier today. We arrived, transferred items (mostly 16 stuffed things really, not including the child), chatted then departed. It was that simple. The PIP looked all cute in her pink sweatshirt and her supertight PIP-tails (so that the husbandman doesn't have to deal with 27 1/2 pounds of blond hair), and her well hidden turquoise bathsuit top with the "elbow action" included. (Long story short... the little FUSSY called boobs elbows when she was a little eenie weenie one.... and I have called them eblows ever since... because how can you go through life with only one set of elbows... I mean come on!) I was going to call the PIP, but realized... I didn't have Mr. Ricks phone number at the cabin... sorry PIP.

AND.. while I have been away... the black bears are trying to take over the world... but it seems that the boys that wear the non-passing-lane pants are quicker on the draw than the black bears, which have resulted in a number of deaths of my favourite evening adventures.

The boy on the other hand is now home with his friends.. making wholesome GOREYSTORIES in the dark. Kind of ick.

I have other minimal stories of interest... but they will have to wait until the memory of them have returned....this could be a while... or not.

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