Tuesday, December 18, 2007

There could be some trouble:

The boy went to school today rather quickly... like in 13 minutes.... barelyenough time to complain that he did not have the equipment to make a gingerbread house... lucky for him I did not forget.... although he may have wanted me to forget....

The girl's teacher is not quite as festive....(Lisa what is up with Mrs K in that department...?, if the grade sevens are still doing it... surely the little fives should still have a chance....!)... anyways...so I went to the grocery store and bought about $7.00 worth of PINK M &M's for the boy to build a gingerbread house with..., and along with the supplies that he just told me about last night at 10:00, I left him a really long note (well, I used the back of grocery receipt actually) and told him all about the girls plight of not being able to make a gingerbread house in her scroogeville classroom (the janitor put of the little string of lights for them... yes boo hoo... but hey I am setting the scene here people)... and surely with his great talents he could create a masterpiece with pink m&m's and pretzels... SURELY HE WAS THE MAN FOR THE JOB. Of course at the bottom of the note I did manage to state all the "things" that I do for him on a regular basis... so hopefully he takes the HINT to heart and sets to the task with all do care and attention... or he may just bring the bag of candy home and hand it to his sister... who would more than likely be he happy recipient of a bag of pink m&m's, rather than pick them off a graham wafered overly white icinged paper plate... on second thought.....

I can'twait to see his reaction when he gets home... it could be vile, as that is the way he left this morning... or he could just take it in stride that his mother is crazy, and go with it. If anyone had seen me at the grocery store.. they would have thought I was truly crazy as I stood in front of the M&M's... and SNICKARED away...shoudl I, shoun't I, should I, shouldn't I.... well you know the answer to that....

But we do not know the result...

1 comment:

Susan said...

OK, I am all eager to see what happens. WOuldnt it be a lovely sight to behold a pink gingerbread house made especially lovely if it is made by a big brother. You do realize the flack he will get from the other boys "Hey Kid! Whats with the pink house, are you a sugar plum fairy?" You really do expect an awful lot! Hehehehe