Sunday, December 09, 2007


The snowwhitish hair thing has gone well. The hair colour is dark-ish. It helps to wear bright lipstick... all the time... I have rosy cheeks on a usual basis... but the rosey disposition...please do not fault me!

So.. onto matters that are only important to a mother:

The boy is coming along nicely with "the great grounding"... (that will certainly teach him for disliking his teacher greatly, and chucking his homework in his desk....)....

The ban from the TV, computer and PLAY.STATION has served him well. Well.. he has been allowed to visit a whole bunch.. and now he is busily playing a piece from "Chopin".. OK.. truth be told it is ONE of the pieces of music from the game halo.3. It's called raindrop prelude opus 15. It's pretty neat sounding... and I had to break it to him that he was actually playing classical music.... he didn't seem too horrified by it all. I love to watch him play... he's a natural. He has the ability to be a real showman... I can just see him being the "king of loungelizards".... oh yes... I see it coming big time.

OH.. so the boy told me he got an "A" on his socials test. I asked him if he had studied, and he told me "NO!". He claimed he did not need to study for socials... EVER. I tentatively agreed with him that if he brought home A's without studying, then I didn't care.

AND... Ms. Lujza will laugh... the boy is actually going to test for his black belt at his "fake" school. He has served enough time in the joint to get it I think. Although the boy does not want his black belt, as he still claims that he does not know enough to even wear it. I don't know... if the "crazy" grand master guy thinks he can test for it.. then maybe he should... he has been asking for many months for the boy to test. Whatever. Once upon a time I told the boy he could quit after he had his blackbelt. Maybe Saturday could be his last day. Somehow I don't think so.... you know.. for as crazy as the TKD grandmaster guy is..... he raised my boys spirits beyond the clouds the other day... so I had to give it to him for that. As far as the instruction.. well...that's another painful typing session to try and spell out.

And.. the girl report.....

Miss Pips hair is turning very wavy. I tried blowdrying it tonight, and it refused to straighten. Now she has this mass of wavy darkening blond hair. Yes, that miss blondy will not be a blondy forever... I knew this day was coming... alhtough now she is stuck having a blond personality... what is one to do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohhh my fingers are so crossed for the boy!! Yay "black belt"! Boo "pocket book"!