Thursday, November 19, 2009


Why, I ask?

Why does one have to be so braindead?

Why does one not have the answer?


Why are there so many fruit flies hanging about?

Why... where could they be coming from?

Why are the fruitflies still here?

Why, why, why?

These are the questions the husbandman ask.

The answer....

The wifey just found her coffee grounds recycling bin underneath the ever so tidy kitchen sink area.

(It is ever so tidy....)

HOWEVER... the wifey did NOT know that it was there.

SO when she opened it up to put the fresh grounds in....

about 3000 flies came to visit.

I guess we will be back to the WHY questions at the end of the day when the husbandman returns ....

Unless I get to them first!

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