Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Transiberian Orchestra

It's going to be a hot one our here today.. and what song am I listening to... something that reminds me of winter, with a hardrock attached to it.

In other things that should be summery.... I must go water my GRASS! It is very exciting to note that the grass is finally growing..now I must wait for my other HUGE section of new seeded grass to start.... that will make the front of the very boring house look a little better.

In ant news... I think we may be on to something here with the killer ant banquet. I hope worlds don't collide as we rid ourselves from probably the largest nest (including satellites) in all of little PoCo... although it's not so little from council meeting of 58,000 people living here. That may the amount of ants that I have destroyed in the last week. Feelings of guilt... ZERO!

On that note... I will listen to a little BB King with U2.... "when love comes to town"..... and migrate to the front yard with my hose...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Transiberian Orchestra is AMAZING!!!