Thursday, December 07, 2006

Chicken rolly up ---- for breakfast...

I was busy building the boy his lunch. He likes my lunches, or more so.. he likes having his lunch made for him. (He doesn't know any other way actually...) But it struck me... these rolly ups are looking so good. Mind you, they were pretty basic, as the boy only does basic food. Today was going out on a limb by packing his food with colour attached. Todays rolly up was a tomato basil wrap, hence the colour addition of red. He was quite willing to eat it he told me. Things were looking so good that I thought about building one for myself.. right then and there... but do you have a chicken rolly up for breakfast or not? I am not entirely sure if "mayonnaise" is breakfast. I could eliminate it from the rolly up... but then... why have the rolly up at all. Hmmm.

In other thoughts that plagued me last night.... just before I closed my eyes for the night.... is living in the ocean at night any easier than in the day. I mean, I hate walking down the hall at night to the bathroom, let alone swimming in a big ocean for hours on end in darkness.

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