Monday, June 29, 2009

Please pick a way....

To laugh at me...
Straight out GUFFAW.... or a splooch, or a zoink, plonk and WAP.

The PIP and I went out to do some investigative reporting last evening. We had just come back from a walk, when we noticed a helicopter carrying a bucket, or something from a long lead.

Off we went down to Minnekhada... straight into BEARLESS country... looking for this helicopter. I flew past the WHITE gates of the park, when I said to the PIP... " If I am not mistaken... that tree looks like it had a BEAR standing behind it..." and I kept on rolling.

Of course a moment later I decided to look in my rearview mirror...

And EVERYBODY knows the rest of the story.

" OH PIP!!!!" I yelled.... "I can't believe I didn't let my brain read what I saw...??" I yellled again... turning around the car.

Now ... the PIP is blond... and she just couldn't figure out what I was carrying on about. She was still in helicopter searching mode...

So there you go people.... and I thought that cougar sighting was a challenging endeavour... but alas the BEARLY THERE sightings have been equally challenging.... my hopes have been raised just a bit... even if the view was a rear end coming from my rear view mirror!

OH... and we did see the end of a search and rescue mission as well... because we are super sleuthes....

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