Thursday, May 28, 2009


So I have been having some trouble accepting the fact that my bear seeking days could quite possibly be over. Not because I have lost interest... but I simply thought that the bears had packed up and moved on. I hadn't seen one in maybe two weeks, it could be less, but with the ever so diligent failing memory it is hard to pinpoint the actual date and time of the last sighting.

Yesterday that changed. I saw one. In fact... I think it was fast bear ( you have to say it with a lilt, or in a whispery voice like I do, to get the full impact). It was only for a moment mind you.. I was traveling down the road with the camera in the on position as always... and there he was, crossing the road all swift and fast. I loved him.

And that was that. Five seconds of happiness.

I have been restored. OK.. semi-restored.
I woke up this morning and was unable to breathe, not as in a blocked airway kind of not breathing way... but in a cotton filled sky sort of way. I think I remembered not taking any vitamin C yesterday... which is howcome now I believe that I am stuffy for not taking it, but then again... there were not free floating snowballs flitting about under the blue skies as much as there are today.

Off to the vitamin cupboard I go.


Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

Please dont give up, keep looking for bears, we need you.
Around this time of year, i see bears on the hope princeton highway but not this year, i wonder if the later spring has changed their habits for this season.

Deanna said...

Because you asked... I will continue!

I was just saying that same thing to the husbandman about the deers... with the development of Burke Mountain I wonder if the deers had to find a different wintering spot, which has now lead them to another area... because I am only seeing one maybe two deers around, where last year... there were lots that we saw everyday.

But then.. I just found out that there are more than one cougars out on the prowl... me not included.