Thursday, June 12, 2008

Not quite what I expected

I was driving along this morning after dropping the boy & his friend at school. They are a fine mix, as one day they feud with one another, and the next day they talk. They have been known each other since they have been old enough to know people. So anyways... since I did not have the PIP by my side, I took along my trusty camera, just in case I MIGHT want to drive back down to the honey spot from yesterday. As I was cruising along the back road, I spotted this guy sitting on the side of the road in the brush. HLY SHIT... as I slam on my breaks and my bucket full of coins goes spilling everywhere... but you know... I had to see what I thought I saw... so I back up. As I was backing up, he flew off... so instead of a beautiful up close and in your face picture... you get this one... but I am fortunate to have gotten this, as he flew deeper into the forest a moment later. WOW again for me.
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