Sunday, January 13, 2008

Moving on...

I keep pressing the enter button, which keeps publishing my blog. I wish for that not to happen.. as it is irritating.. and time consuming.

Other things that are time consuming are putting the girl to bed... over and over and over again... as she tells me great details of her days adventures... I don't mind hearing them... as she is perfectly sweet about it all... but you know.. when you are warm from a glass of many girl tales can you possibly listen to?

She is up again.. doing things... probalby putting her stuffed dog to bed for the 16th time...which I do not mind.. except for the fact that the stuff dog talks.. and expects an answer.

Do you really think it is a good thing for a parent to thank a child ( the PIP ) for coming to a birthday party.. and entertaining them (they were supposed to be bowling). I am scared....

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