Saturday, September 15, 2007

Staples, bears and other fascinating events...

I have been locked out of my computer space. Really I have. The King has had the living room locked up tight.. he has been sanding drywall this past week.

He is a workaholic. A very serious one. He is the King of workaholics, since he is the King and all.

I have a long list of details that I wish to tell, except I do not have the time to type.

I have once again killed my hands... I have been raking my backyard for days and hours. I managed to kill my back lawn, by complete accident mind you....!!!, and am having to repair it. This is perfect grass growing weather, so the task had to be completed.

The bears peaked the other night. We were there to witness it. Then last night we saw ONE bear leaving the blueberryfield, and that was it. Compare that to the nine we saw the other night, heading into the blueberry field. I think it is fascinating how solitary animals communicate with one another as this is not shear coincidence.

The kitchen is a coold shade of green. I have told the king that we will eventually turn our whole home into one large mass of green. It's like we are a forest or grove or something. I think I like green. So does the king.

I have many pictures that I should post... but then that would require me to sit here and fiddle with gadgets and things. I haven't had time for that... the freaking yard has been calling and calling and calling.... eventually I had to answer...

OK... now that I am down to a weekly update, I will go and be adventureous and hopefully will be back soon to share the events of excitement.. even if I have to take up lying.

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