Monday, February 26, 2007

I was thinking...

I might change the colours of this blog. The New Blogger thingy made me change, I am not sure what I was holding out for, nothing seems different now. BUT.. one thing did catch my eye, and it was the changing of the blog thingy in the bottom right hand corner. Maybe I will change it up a bit... but only a bit...

Oh, and I was thinking about Pip... she is now Pipless.. as in braids. I am wondering what I should call her next. Even her blond hair is fading away to a darker blond. Now I have a mediocre blond pipless child. I think I will go with Shark girl. Yes... I will go and try it out now.... funny, she doesn't seem to be responding.

I missed useless task night with the stalker sister, she called just as I decided & quickly left to go to the Council Meeting. There was a presentation on the Heritage & Cultural Society that this very city does not have. It was a good presentation, but once it was done, I departed, so did the rest of the audience. It is all about saving the 97 year old home & The Wild Duck Inn, which is another part of Port Coquitlam's heritage. None of which the City has any excitement about keeping. It is actually very strange.

I think tomorrow I will come up with new ways to save the planet & make a million dollars in 7 easy steps. Yes, let the synapses beging.

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